Bastoners de Malla dansant el Ball Nou

Bastoners de Malla dansant el Ball Nou
Viladecavalls, festa major 2012.

dilluns, 1 de juny del 2009

Who are Bastoners de Malla?

Bastoners de Malla is a Catalan group of traditional dance who is dancing with sticks and bells. The dancers push their sticks and shake their bells. These old dances are called by Catalan people "Ball de Bastons". The ball de bastons was born like a warrior dance in Catalonia into Iberian period with some Greek influences, but it would have been in medieval time when appears documented for first time. Bastoners de Malla dance these Catalan warrior dance and another ritual dances of their small village it calls Malla (Osona). Their traditional dances relate to rural experiences and things on farmers’ life in the middle of Catalonia. Their traditional costumes look like the Mediterranian lands. The music is playing with a Catalan traditional whistle, a tabor pipe called flabiol i tambor in Catalan and sometimes with a Catalan bag pipe, called Sac de Gemecs in Catalan . Seeing Bastoners de Malla dancing is a genuine show beacause the movement, the music and their expressions tell us too much feelings of old and present times ensembled. Bastoners de Malla love to dance!